About The Department
Program Outcome
Program Outcome of B.A. Economics
PO1.Economics is truly all around us, present in almost every aspect of our lives.
Studying the subject gives students a generalist understanding of the world we
live in and its inner workings. Students learn everything from what determines
the price of goods and services to why the average standards of living vary so
widely within and between countries.
PO2.Economics is the study of how societies, governments, businesses, households, and
individuals allocate their scarce resources. So the student of economics can
easily understand allocation of resources .
PO3.The study of economics can also provide valuable knowledge for making decisions in
everyday life.
PO4.Students of economics able to use the analytical tools of economics in problem
PO5.The economics major prepares students for careers in banking, insurance, service and
manufacturing firms, real estate, consulting, government agencies, and
non-profit organizations.
Program Outcome of M.A. Economics
PO1.Post graduate student of economics are able to apply advanced economic theory so as to
analyze economic issues related to society at large.
PO2.The programme trains Students for positions in which they contribute as an economist
to decision-making in (inter)national government bodies, public organizations
and private corporations such as financial institutions, multinationals and
consultancy firms.
PO3.Students can work as researcher in business or governmental agencies. They can also
use their expertise for journalistic goals.
Program Specific Outcome of B.A. Economics
PSO1.Understand the consumer behavior like: - problem of scarcity and choice ,demand and
supply, elasticity and budget constraint.
PSO2. Understand the production and costs like:- Production and Costs, Perfect
Competition, Theory of a Monopoly Firm, Markets and Market Failure .
PSO3. Understand the National Income Accounting, Determination of GDP, National Income
Determination in an Open Economy with Government, Money in a Modern Economy.
PSO4. Analyse IS-LM curve GDP and Price Level in Short Run and Long Run, Inflation and
Unemployment, Inflation and Unemployment, Balance of Payments and Exchange Rate.
PSO5. Understand the Issues in Growth, Development and Sustainability, Population and
Economic Development, Employment Occupational structure in the organized and the
unorganized sectors.
PSO6. Evaluation of growth, inequality, poverty and competitiveness, pre and post reforms
era, unemployment (rural and urban); employment schemes and their impact.
PSO7.Introduce to Colonial India: Background and Introduction, Agrarian structure and land
relations, Railways and Industry, Economy and State in the Imperial Context.
PSO8.Introduce the micro economics content like;- Consumer Behavior, Production and Costs
, Inflation, Unemployment and National Income Accounting, to all GE students.
Program Specific Outcome of M.A. Economics
PSO1. Analyze Theories of consumer behavior, Law of variable proportions and
Returns-to-scale, Marginal Approach for Firm’s equilibrium, Revenue
Maximization; Behavioral and Theory of the Firm.
PSO2. Analyze the Theories of international trade, Modern theories of international trade,
Modern theories of international trade, Effects of economic growth on
international trade and Free Trade versus Protection.
PSO3.Understand and solve the problem of statistical problem as well as quantitative
problem like:- central tendency, Correlation, Interpolation and extrapolation,
Maxima & Minima and matrices.
PSO4.Understand the Major issues and importance of Macroeconomics, theory of employment,
Consumption functions, Investment functions and impact of inflation on
PSO5.Understand the Demand for Money, Supply of Money, Nature and Functions of Money and
Credit creation by Commercial Banks.
PSO6.Analyze Economic Planning in India, financial markets and foreign trade. Recent
Economic reforms in agricultural and industrial sectors and Development of
Indian Economic
PSO7. Understand the Perfect competition, Pricing and output determination, Micro Theories
of Distribution and Welfare Economics.
PSO8. Understand the Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Functions of Foreign
Exchange, International Economic Organizations, EXIM policy.
PSO9. Study the Importance and objectives of women studies, Factors affecting
decisionmaking by women, Female work participation in agriculture and Social
PSO10. Understand the Classical and Keynesian Macro Economics, Theory of Inflation, IS-LM
model and Business cycles.
PSO11. Understand the Human Development Concepts, Human development indicators, Education
and human development, Health and human Development.
PSO12.Understand the Research Meaning, Methods for collection of Data and Hypothesis
PSO13. Study the Role of Government in the Economy, The Problem of Externalities, Public
Expenditure, Taxation and Public Debt.
PSO14.Analyze Demography, Methodology of Demographic Research, Migration, Population
Growth and Economic Development.
PSO15. Study and Understand the Agricultural Economics, Agriculture Growth under the
Plans, Green Revolution and Food Security in India.
PSO16. Understand the Labour Economics, Wage determination, Employment and development
relationship and Trade Unions.
PO17. Understand the Industrial Economics, Determinants of Industrial Location, Industrial
development and policies in India and Industrial Finance.
PSO18. Study and Understand the Regional Economics, Economic development and regional
disparities, Economy of Uttarakhand and Human resource in Uttarakhand.
PSO19. Understand the Money and finance, on-bank financial institution, Money and Capital
markets and International financial system.
PSO20. Understand the Indian Tax System, Trends in public expenditure, Central and State
government budgets and Fiscal federalism in India.
PSO21.Study the Population in India ,Sources of Demographic Data in India, Population,
Policy in India and International Aspects of Population
PO22. Study and Understand the Economic Growth and Development,Theories of Development,
Growth Models and Sectoral Aspects of development.
PSO23. Environment and Development, Ecology and Economics, Environment and Sustainable
Development, Environment and Natural Resource Management in India