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Department of Sociology


Department at a Glance

       Department of Sociology of this college established in the year 1979-80 is committed to impart quality based education to the students of the region. The department also provides latest information and knowledge to its student to make their better citizens and to meet both national and global problems, not only in the field of sociology but in all walks of life. Our objective is to generate talents of high profile through various academic programmes to serve the social world and government. Growth of Department In the last 37 years department achieved their goals and continuously try to give their best, step by step growth of department is as under:-

 Introduce of Post graduate courses in the year 2015-16.

A. Introduced semester system in PG courses in the year 2015.

B. Introduced semester system in UG courses in the year 2015.

       Since 1979 department reached from very few students to more than 200 students. Department committed to provide employment and quality based education to students. And give best product to the stakeholders of the department.


The Vision of the department shall be to disseminate and advance knowledge, wisdom and understanding by teaching and research, development of national living standards.


1. Advance learning and knowledge by teaching and research and by extension programs so as to enable ba student to obtain advantages a world social education.

2. Provide the right kind of attitude in all walks of life.

3. Promote in the students and teachers an awareness and understanding of the social needs of the country and prepare them for fulfilling such needs.

4. Take appropriate measures for promoting inter-disciplinary studies the departments.

5. Foster the composite culture of India and establish such departments as may be required for the study and development of the languages, arts, economy and culture of India.



S. No. Name Designation Use ICT Use E-Resources Mobile Number Profile
1. Mrs. Usha Rani Negi Assistant Professor Yes Yes 7579137786 Download
2. Mr. Vijayanand Guest Faculty Yes Yes 7579407712 Download
3. Mr. Jayhari Shriwashtav ------ Yes Yes ------- -----




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